LCT's and LSM's unload supplies on Okinawa

LCT's and LSM's unload supplies on Okinawa


Product Information

 From left to right: LCT-1415, LCT-1179, LCT-1265, LCT-1049 are landing supplies on Yellow Beach near the mouth of the Bishi Gawa (River) while LSM-220 and LST-1000 are maneuvering behind them, note 55-gallon drum dump ashore and vehicles unloading. The fleet is out to sea beyond the coral reef that prevented cargo and assault ships from getting in any closer. LCVPs (Higgins Boats) and other craft carry supplies to the beaches while the LCTs, LSMs and LSTs could land right on the beach at high tide after seabees enlarged the beach exit, Hagushi, Okinawa.

 On April 1, 1945, L-Day for Okinawa, LSM-220 grounded on the reef on Blue Beach twice attempting to land tanks, both times the water was too deep. LSM-220 finally delivered her tanks to Yellow Beach 2. Pontoon causeways out to the reef were built and natural sandbars enlarged so that unloading operations could continue at low tide and LCTs could unload on the beach. Despite the deep water and lack of suitable grounding space, eventually more cargo was unloaded at the Hagushi beaches in a shorter period of time than any other Pacific amphibious invasion. The LCTs and the LST in the photo were scrapped after the war; LSM-220 served as a commercial transport, supplying NASA's operations in Florida, until she was sunk in storm off the Bahamas in 1970.
Product CodeHagushi, Okinawa

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